ABOUT Art Therapy

Experience the transformative power of Art Therapy at Steps2Life, where we prioritise integrity, care, and inclusiveness in every session. Our unique fusion of art and psychology nurtures emotional, cognitive, and social well being for all.

Led by highly skilled therapists, our sessions provide a safe and supportive space for healing and self discovery. Regardless of age, background, or experience, our program is tailored to your needs, addressing mental health concerns and fostering personal growth.

Unlock your creative potential and experience the benefits of Art Therapy for yourself. Get in touch with our friendly team at Steps2Life and take the first step toward a more vibrant, fulfilled life for you or your child.

Benefits for all ages

Art Therapy at Steps2Life provides numerous benefits for both adults and children.

For adults, it offers emotional expression, stress reduction, self-exploration, enhanced self esteem, trauma processing, improved communication, problem solving, and personal reflection. For children, Art Therapy encourages emotional regulation, boosts self confidence, promotes the development of social skills, supports sensorimotor development, enhances self expression, stimulates cognitive skills, assists in coping with trauma or loss, and encourages self identity and empowerment. Remember, the benefits of Art Therapy are as unique as the individuals participating.

Our Art Therapists collaborate closely with each client, tailoring interventions and supporting their unique therapeutic journey.

Unleash your creativity and embark on a journey of healing with Art Therapy at Steps2Life. Get in touch today.


1. How can Art Therapy benefit me?

Art therapy can benefit you by providing a creative and non-verbal outlet for expressing emotions and experiences. It can help improve self-esteem, reduce stress, enhance communication skills, and promote emotional and psychological well- being. Art therapy is particularly useful for individuals who may find it challenging to express themselves through words.

2. What happens during an Art Therapy session?

During an art therapy session, our Art Therapist will guide you through various creative activities such as drawing, painting, sculpting, or collage-making. The focus is on the process of creating rather than the final product. Our Art Therapist may use some of these activities to help explore emotions, develop coping
strategies, and improve self awareness. Sessions are tailored your individual needs and abilities.

3. Do I need to have artistic skills to participate in art therapy?

No, you do not need to have any artistic skills or experience to participate in art therapy. The primary goal of art therapy is to use creative expression as a therapeutic tool, not to create a perfect piece of art. Our Art Therapist will provide guidance and support, ensuring that the activities are accessible and beneficial for you, regardless of their artistic ability. Your artwork remains confidential.